In order for our office to complete a Bankruptcy Petition for filing with the Court on your behalf, we are required to have copies of the following documents:
[Note: Please accept our apologies for asking for all of the documentation below; however, current Bankruptcy laws require us to seek out this information.]
- PAY STUBS: The Bankruptcy laws require us to review your pay records looking backward in time over a 6 month period. This look back period ends on the last day of the month that precedes the month you intend to file your Bankruptcy. There is a second requirement that we have the last 60 days of your pay stubs leading up to the date we actually file your bankruptcy. The easiest way to comply with both of the above requirements is to simply provide the last 7 months of your pay records leading up to the date you come to your first appointment. [Actually we like to have these pay stubs a few days prior to the first appointment in order for us to prepare income summaries].
- OTHER INCOME: If you have sources of income, other than from your employment, [ie. Rental Income, Social Security, Workman's Compensation, etc.], you will need to provide us a statement which details that income.
- TAX RETURNS: Last two years of Tax Returns, [Federal, State, etc.], will need to be provided. The Bankruptcy laws require you to be current on the filing of all of your tax returns; however, all we need initially is the last two years Tax Returns. We will need full copies of all schedules, and copies of your W2 statements for the most recent year of your Tax Returns.
- BANK STATEMENTS: For any bank accounts in which you have an ownership interest, we will need to have copies of the last three most recent bank statements.
- DIVORCE DECREE: If you have been Divorced, we will need to see a copy of your Divorce Decree and Settlement Agreement.
- MORTGAGE DOCUMENTS: If you own any real estate, and if you have copies of any mortgages on your real estate, please provide us a copy. [If you do not have copies, we may be able to obtain copies; however, we may have to pay a service for the copies so if you can provide them you will save a little money.];
- LAW SUITS: If you have been sued by anyone, it will be helpful if you can provide us copies of any documents you have received. [If you do not have copies, we may be able to obtain copies; however, we may have to pay a service for the copies so if you can provide them you will save a little money.]
- COPIES OF THE BILLS TO BE INCLUDED IN YOUR BANKRUPTCY: If possible, you should provide us a copy of any creditor billing statements you have received. We do not need copies of you utility bills, unless you have terminated the service and want their bill to be eliminated in your Bankruptcy. We will be running a credit report, and that may help us find a large majority of your creditors; however, you may not find that all of your creditors show up on your credit report, so you should give us a copy of any of the billing statements you have. If you don’t have copies of the billing statements, you may wish to provide a written list of your creditors [name, address, amount owned, and approximate date the bill was incurred].
- OTHER DOCUMENTS: After your first appointment we may determine other documentation is needed; however, we can cross that bridge when we get to it.