In general, the filing of a Bankruptcy will not impact your spouse; however, if your spouse is liable on the debts you are seeking to eliminate, the creditor will certainly pursue collection from your spouse if you are not paying the debt. If you have joint liability on a debt, and you intend to continue to be liable on the debt, including remaining current on your contractual obligation on the debt, there should be no impact on your spouse. Having said the above, occasions occur where some notation of a Bankruptcy filing flies out onto the credit report of the spouse from the creditor to whom you are jointly liable [ie. mortgage debt, or vehicle debt]. If this occurs your spouse may need to file an objection to the credit reporting agency to seek to have this notation removed.
Bottom Line: Generally there is no ill effect on a spouse who is not part of your Bankruptcy, unless there is joint debt you are seeking to eliminate, and who your spouse is not willing to pay.